As your editorial and content writing services provider, you and your manuscript benefit from my experience and education.

I’m passionate about communicating clearly and accurately through written language, and will apply that passion to your project’s needs.

For all editing projects, my goal is to make your manuscript shine and to preserve your authorial voice and style.


Why do you need a copyeditor?

A copyeditor verifies each word and piece of punctuation in your manuscript convey the meaning you are trying to communicate to your reader.

You and your writing shine when I eliminate as many innocent grammar and spelling errors in a manuscript as I can.

I read your manuscript from the perspective of your future readers and can help you see things that your readers might notice that you have missed.


Why do you need a proofreader?

A proofreader is the final pair of eyes to look at your manuscript and spot any errors that have been previously missed.

Your manuscript can be touched by many people before it’s ready for publishing. Editors, writers, and formatters are human and can miss some issues. Sometimes computer programs are glitchy.

A proofreader can also spot any new errors introduced during the earlier editing, revising, and formatting processes.

Ideally, your proofreader is not your copyeditor.

Content Writing:

Why hire a content writer who has an English background for nonfiction science and medical topics?

I bring years of creative writing and English teaching experience to your content needs.

My specialty is in finding creative and compelling ways to communicate complex science and medical ideas to an audience of general readers, not to other professionals in the field.

I’m focused on the Art of written communication in service of the reader.


Each projects’s price is decided on a case-by-case basis. I prefer to bill for editing and writing by the project, but I am open to billing by the hour or by the page according to your preference.

The industry standard for a manuscript page is 250 words.

I can provide a quote for editorial services only after I have seen a representative sample of the work to judge the time it will take to do what has been requested.

Quotes are good for 30 days.

Payment is accepted via check, ACH transfer, or PayPal.


Use the Contact  page to e-mail me about a quote or to discuss your project needs.

See the About page for more information about the writer and editor behind AEP.